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Superb Owl

Reddit wins Super Bowl LV with a 5-second spot.

Reddit Superb Owl

Reddit received an incredible amount of attention in early 2021, due to market activity motivated by r/WallStreetBets community members. While things started as a niche financial story, it evolved into a larger story of the impact of people banding together to drive change. More than ever, the power of (Reddit) community had been highlighted by this event.

With increased attention, this moment presented the ideal opportunity to explain Reddit’s core brand beliefs and principals to a wider audience. The widest audience, in fact—Super Bowl LV.

Breaking from the traditional advertising and media mold, Reddit’s very first Super Bowl ad—and television commercial, for that matter—was a five-second long, blink-and-you’ll miss it static ad. This disruptive format aired at different times across nine major US markets, catching viewers off guard and causing them to pause and rewind or take to social to see what had happened. 

People noticed. Reddit was the most searched ad on Super Bowl Sunday. And covered by over 300 news outlets, earning more than 6.5B impressions. Most importantly, the event resulted in a +31% increase in Brand Relevance among the core US audience of 13-44 year olds.

Press: NY Times | CNN | CNBC | Adweek | Ad Age | The Drum | HuffPost

Agency: R/GA (California)